Thomas J. Stanley's Millionaire Mind

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Millionaire Mind, by Thomas J. Stanley, is an extremely informative book about how millionaires made and maintained their fortunes in an intuitive manner. With a fascinating look inside the lives of millionaires, we discover the traits and habits they possess which helped them reach their status. A considerable amount of the information presented can be very helpful and applicable to people just starting out in the real world. Millionaire Mind is a book that I found intriguing and I would highly recommend it. To start off with, one of the discoveries that shocked me the most in the first chapter was the education levels of most millionaires. I presumed most of their college grade point averages would be around 3.5 or more. However, the average …show more content…

It has taught me not to follow the crowd, to find my niche and stick with it. Finding something unique will not only increase my odds of finding a job but could also increase my earnings. Therefore, when looking for my vocation, I will try to keep an open mind and be creative. Chapter six, “Choice of Spouse,” discusses some of the characteristics of the spouses of many millionaires. Choosing a spouse can be very impactful when it comes to individual wealth. One of the first qualities that is important when it comes to choosing a spouse, is finding someone who is supportive. This is important because most people who have accumulated a vast amount of wealth, have hit a few bumps in the road along the way. Having a spouse who is along for the ride and understanding of these hardships, can certainly impact whether one comes back from these downfalls. Having a spouse who is honest is important as well. Marrying a dishonest person is toxic for any relationship. However, it can be extremely devastating for one’s wealth. If a spouse is not completely upfront about any debts he or she has incurred, it will most likely come up after the marriage. Sometimes, he or she may even want their spouse to pay their debts for them. Overall, marrying the right person is critical for wealth because of one more essential reason: divorce is …show more content…

Imagined,” is about stigmas people may have about millionaires versus what kind of lifestyles many millionaires actually live. The millionaire lifestyle is much different than what I expected it to be. I presumed millionaires would be at home relaxing when not at work. I was surprised to learn millionaires spend a great deal of their extra time consulting with tax experts. Knowing most millionaires like to watch their kids play sports came as a bit of a shock as well. There is a stereotype of millionaires in which they tend to neglect their children. I did not believe this stereotype was entirely true, however, knowing millionaire parents are actually very involved in their children’s lives is still a nice revelation. It was also surprising to learn that millionaires do not actually go to extravagant places, like Paris, the Alps, and the Rockies, on a regular basis. The “cheap date” concept of millionaires was unexpected and

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