Thin Ideal Culture Essay

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The perception of the ideal body is slender, femini physique with a small waist and little body fat (Low et al., 2003). Although thin ideal culture is formed, but the reality is the size of the thin ideal is actually decreasing while the rate of obesity is simultaneously increasing, indirectly making the iconic body shapes hard to maintain or even achieve it (Pinhas et al., 1998). The consequence of this will eventually create a gap between the actual appearance of an average woman’s body and its expected appearance, which will lead to internalization (Pinhas et al., 1998). The internalization of the thin ideal culture is very serious because it will cause several serious effects. One of the examples would be weightism. The definition of thin-ideal …show more content…

There is an article from the Eating Disorders Journal stated that "thin ideal internalization is the extent to which an individual 'buys into' socially defined ideals of attractiveness and engages in behaviors designed to approximate these ideals." (Ahern, Bennett, &Hetherington, 2008). In the case, women generally link the ideally thin body to a positive life such as successful, happy, romantic, etc, and consequently a majority of women value the thin ideal to some extent (Tiggemann, Polivy &Hargreaves, 2009). However, it is vital to aware the distinction between women who are aware of the advantage of thinness versus those who internalize the ideal and make it a personal belief system. Although the idea of the thin ideal seems omnipresent, not all women identify with the ideal in the same manner and not all are affected by it negatively (Mask, Lisa &Celine, 2011). Past research on the development of pressure to be thin has focused entirely on environmental and cultural

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