There Should Be No Public Funding Of Religious-Based Education

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In a secular society, there should be no public funding of religious based education, this is because it is discriminatory, expensive and does not promote multiculturalism. A single non-denominational school is the solution because it embodies tolerance and accommodates diversity. Hence, providing equal access and opportunity for all students. Secularism embraces and protects religion in a private sphere. Religion belongs in the home and places of worship; such as a church, mosque or synagogue. The vital aim of public schools is education, not explicit religious beliefs. Due to historical and political reasons, under section 93 of the constitution act (1867) denominational schools are protected for the members of the catholic faith alone. Though, …show more content…

The legal system in Canada is made to represent the values and beliefs of the society. Multiculturalism is highly valued by the Canadian society, and is an equal celebration of racial, religious and cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, a non-denominational school limits the ability of Canadians to participate in the society and affects the practice of their religion. The United Nations human rights committee has also declared that Ontario's policy of fully funding Roman Catholic schools, while denying full funding to other religious schools, is discriminatory. Consequently, they can extend funding to all religious based schools, or end funding to separate denominational schools. Secondly, many teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church run contrary to the progressive and civilized society. Roman Catholic schools condemn homosexuality as part of their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible. For example, the Catholic board refused to allow its students to use the term “gay-straight alliance”. Also, they have managed to retain the right to discriminate in employment which allows them to hire based on religion. Thus, they are closed to unemployed non-Catholic teachers. Educational institutions should not discriminate against homosexuals and in employment and any that do should not get public money. Lastly, religion based education is coherently expensive. In fact, religious institutions in Canada received approximately seven million dollars from the federal government. This funding from all taxpayers, hence many have to pay for what Catholics demand. Instead, this money could be used to enhance the current public education

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