Theories On Thanatophobia

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Associated fear of cremation, burial, tombstones or fear of unknown/afterlife
• Increased alertness about any danger or threat to life such s during driving or during sickness (almost all times being irrelevant)
• Repetitive and distressful thoughts about dying
• Clingy behavior towards elder people or guardians ( only in children)
• Complete avoidance of any situation that may be associated with death or threats to life (one might stop going outside of one’s home to remain safe)
• Not being able to differentiate between real and unreal things
• Panic attacks accompanied by physical signs like trembling, dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, abdominal uneasiness, racing heart beat, chest pain and sweating.
The person having thanatophobia …show more content…

A support group will have people going through same fear and problems. Hearing their stories and sharing one’s own trouble would help to release the stress and deal with the anxiety more effectively.
Theories are been made on thanatophobia by one of the renowned psychologist-Sigmund Freud. He hypothesized that people express a fear of death called thanatophobia. He proposed that it is not the fear of death, which people believed to be, because in Freud’s opinion no one believes in their own death. Those who are possessing the fear of death, they are actually trying to resolve their childhood conflicts of which they are not capable to express them in their emotions to others or may be even to themselves as well. The name thanatophobia comes from the Greek word – Thanatos.
Wisdom: ego integrity vs. despair--Erik Erikson, one of the developmental psycho sociologists formulated the progress of people in a series of incidents or crisis that they experienced as they grow older. His theory also unfolds the concept that as the individual reaches the latest stage of life; generate a sense of ego integrity. Ego integrity comes when one get thorough overview of their life concepts and accept them as well. It comes when a person reaches in late adulthood; know the purpose and meaning of their life. When individuals constantly suffer failure or disgrace in life is more prone to death anxiety rather than those who reach ego integrity

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