Themes and Meanings In An Inspector Calls

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Themes and Meanings In An Inspector Calls The play is set two years before the outbreak of the first world war (1914-1918). The play was first performed in 1945 looking back at the Edwardian era. In the Edwardian era England was very secure, still had it's empire the best navy in the world and it was very wealthy. There was no welfare estate - so some wealthy people prospered - poor and not. Priestley thought this was a serious fault in society. When the play was performed in1945 the world was very different. Two World Wars had occured and the Titanic had sunk. Also a bomb had been used for the first time. During the second world war there was evacuation and air raid shelters where people of all classes were thrown together. Many young people who fought in the war were determined that after it the world would be a better place. So in 1945 in the general election a labour government was elected and they intended to make lots of social and economic forms. In fact within a few years the welfare state was born. The play asks to what extent Eva Smith's tragedy can be blamed on the society in which she lived. A society which rewarded rich men who exploited the poor for profit and used women for their pleasure. The inspector is a man in his fifties, dressed in a plain darkish suit of the period. He is tall and clean shaven. Inspector Goole is an imposing character and because of this he is able to get the others to say things and show their guilt. There is something unusual about him, even his name suggests this. This could mean that he acts as a force to make the characters examine their conscience and get them to change. The Insp... ... middle of paper ... ... weakest members. This is the opposite to Mr. and Mrs. Birling who believe in looking after themselves and that others should do the same. The Inspector also says that people should be open to change, as we see with the younger characters in the play. Priestley gives the same message to the audience and that people should take care of each other, not just themselves. Priestley chose to write the play as a detective play because through suspense people become interested. In this way attention is paid to the important questions he raises. The play was set at a time when older people were about to send innocent young men to their deaths in the first world war. The play was written around the time of the second world war and so Priestley had in mind the themes of being responsible for providing the moral of the play.

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