Themes In Antigone

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“That henceforth ye may thieve with better knowledge whence lucre should be won, and learn that it is not well to love gain from every source. For thou wilt, thou find that ill-gotten pelf brings more men to ruin than to weal” -Sophocles
Antigone, by Sophocles, is a play that has many portraying themes. Whether the themes are shown by the conflicts of a character, or an opinion of one. Every little detail, is a foreshadow leading up to a main idea that the author wants to convey. Just like how every other piece of literature; authors intend to express the lesson, message, or point of view from their perspective. They simply connect all the pieces of the story together, such as characters, conflict, plot, etc. In Antigone, the author simply …show more content…

As shown by the author Sophocles, the plays written author, he convey readers a few significant themes throughout Antigone, which readers can clearly distinguish. However, one of the main theme would be the determination in the two of many main characters: Antigone and Creon. As one of the main character, Antigone, she shows a lot of determination from beginning to end. Antigone is the play's tragic hero. In the first moments of the play, Ismene opposes Antigone’s offer for burying their brother. Not only are they against each other's morals, they oppose in many other ways. Unlike her beautiful and submissive sister, Ismene, Antigone is withdrawn, scrawny, and defiant. Despite the fact, that Antigone, and her sister Ismene has such different morals and view of themselves. Antigone has more determination and dedication to burying her brother Polyneices. Though, Creon creates a law, that no one on Thebes has the authorization to bury Polyneices, due to the fact that, he is a traitor to Thebes. Antigone strongly believes that Polyneices should be given a proper burial due to how Polyneices, fought in the war bravely and dying miserably. With Antigone’s

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