Theme of Beauty in La Belle Dame Sans Merci

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In the poem “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” by John Keats, the main theme is the idea that beauty is only skin deep and can be an extremely painful emotional experience. The title loosely translates into “the beautiful woman with no mercy”. As we read the poem it becomes clear that the knight had his feelings shattered by this woman on his steed.

Keats uses a number of different language techniques to make the poem effective. The first is dividing the poem into two parts through the use of 2 speakers. We do not know who the first speaker is, probably someone who is passing through the area. In stanza 1 and 2 the poet makes use of repetition as he questions the knight about his condition “Ah, what can ail thee, wretched wight?” line 1 stanza 1 and 2. He asks him why he is “so haggard, and so wo...

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