Theme Of Teiresias In Oedipus The King

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The Blind Leading the Blind Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King brings one to ask oneself an important question; do humans make their own decisions in life? Or is everything already decided for them by fate? Teiresias’ role in the play coincides with those questions. Teiresias is only in one scene of the entire play, and when he enters Oedipus is very pleased to see him because he is the only person who can tell Oedipus who killed Laius. Teiresias is blind and old, but extremely knowledgeable nonetheless. Teiresias is the prophet of Apollo and is clairvoyant through him. Teiresias also gathers his prophetic knowledge from observing the flight of birds, or by inspecting bird entrails. Teiresias is a blind man who can see clearly, surrounded by people who can see clearly but are blind. Teiresias’ name literally means “a blind seer” and that is exactly what he is. Teiresias’ role in this play is to tell Oedipus that his fate has found him despite his best efforts to avoid it. Sophocles wants the reader to question fate when reading this piece. Although Oedipus tried to avoid what was foretold, at the end he could not escape his fate. When Teiresias first …show more content…

Teiresias symbolizes the personification of fate itself and is an admirable character; even so Oedipus does not heed his advice or show him the respect worthy of a prophet of the gods. Citizens of the city rely highly on Teiresias’ knowledge, even when Jocasta and Oedipus are ignorant to it. Teiresias plays a huge part in revealing Oedipus’ character flaws as before Teiresias comes on scene Oedipus is very courteous of his people and seems to be a great ruler, it isn’t until Teiresias arrives that the reader gets a glimpse of Oedipus’ true short-tempered

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