Comparison of Oedipus the King and Death of a Salesman

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The elements of a play are setting, irony, plot, characters, and theme, which will be discussed in the essay.

Oedipus the King opens in a Greek amphitheatre depicting the front of a Theban palace. Throughout the play, the setting remains constant. This changes to a more fast-paced play with different settings in different places in Death of a Salesman.

Dramatic irony in Oedipus the King is evident throughout, which is similar to the latter play, but in a different form. In here, the irony is evident. Oedipus the King revolves around characters' attempts to change their destiny (which fails) - Jocasta and Laius's killing of Oedipus and Oedipus's flight from Corinth. Each time somebody tries to avert the future, the audience knows their attempt is futile, creating irony. When Jocasta and Oedipus mock the oracles, they continue to suspect that they were right. Oedipus discounts the oracles' power, but believes in his ability to uncover the truth, yet they lead to the same outcome. His intelligence is what makes him great, but it is also what causes the tragedy. When he ridded Thebes of the Sphinx, Oedipus is the city's saviour, but by killing Laius and marrying Jocasta, he is its affliction, causing the blight that strikes the city during the opening. Meanwhile, the characters, especially Teiresias, mention sight, light, darkness, &c as metaphors, while referring to `seeing the truth'. However, while Teiresias knows the truth and is blind, Oedipus can see all but the truth. When he discovers the truth, he becomes blind. Also, he does not just solve the Sphinx's riddle - he is its answer. His birth is mentioned throughout the play (crawling on `4 legs'), and he never relies on anybody but himself (`standing on his own `2 legs'),...

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...up the question of the value of truth, and whether the pain of knowing an awful truth is more important than the bliss of ignorance. This also applies to Death of a Salesman: while Oedipus chooses to pursue the truth, Jocasta and the Lomans try to live in naïveté and not face reality. The play also questions the increasingly proud leaders of the Athenian society who challenge the higher powers, i.e. men against the gods, when Oedipus reviles the oracles. The gods, he indicates, will always triumph when men, using their intellect, oppose them. One of the themes is that the course of things is partly based on the character's actions but mostly fate.

Throughout the centuries, from Ancient Greece to the 20th century, though much has changed with the times, the basics of tragedy have not been altered - the tragic hero does something and is destined to die.

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