Heroism In 'The Outsiders' By S. E. Hinton

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As Writer Mark Waid once said “Heroism is Heroism, regardless of the timeframe or backdrop.” Heroism is a thing that can be associated with the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton where a lot of characters do things that would be called heroic by most. Three heroes in the book are Darry, Dally, and Johnny. Darry is a hero is because he gave up his future for his brothers. A place where this is apparent is in chapter one where it says that he was the captain of the football team and had gotten an athletic scholarship however he couldn't accept it and now works to keep his brothers living. Another reason why he gave up his education for his brothers is that it is a lot of work for his age, it says this in chapter one in the same paragraph as the one where they talk about him giving up his education for his brothers, it says that Darry didn't deserve to work like an old man when he was twenty and that he works hard just to keep his brothers afloat. Another place where it shows that he has a lot of responsibility is in chapter 3 when Ponyboy returns home and Darry is still up reading the newspaper, staying up and waiting for Ponyboy when he still has work tomorrow. Another reason why he is giving up his education in order to keep his brothers safe was he has to work 2 jobs …show more content…

The main point is that in chapter 5, Johnny goes inside the church in order to save the kids inside it. Johnny manages to survive the fire at first, however he has gotten the worst injuries out of the fire and is forced to stay in the hospital, this starts in chapter 7 and when they visit Johnny, they tell them that he is in critical condition and that he was suffering from third degree burns, however Dally is fine, but injured. They keep on visiting Johnny in the hospital and they see that he is getting worse and worse. And finally, in chapter 10, Johnny dies after being in critical condition for a long

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