Theme Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Intro Through novels themes are very present and many times portray the way that society acts.The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott FItzgerald, uses many themes in order to evoke reactions. form the readers. Themes are used as a form of social commentary. The American Dream is corrupted by obsession of wealth and materialism. The colors symbolize the emotions and social standards of the characters. The women from the Great Gatsby symbolize dishonesty and recklessness. Nick gets caught up in all the conflict but somehow doesn’t become any part of it. Gatsby is living a life he made in order to be able to catch people’s attention. The symbols that are represented in The Great Gatsby are all the mistakes that the rich have done. The weather symbolizes different situations that occur in the book. A love that can't be returned, unrequited love is present all through the novel. The Decline of the American Dream in the 1920s- Jesse The American Dream in the 1920s is a way to portray the rich for an obsession for wealth which is shown throughout the novel,The Great Gatsby. The American Dream is representing the corruption which is happening with the rich for the obsession for wealth. The American dream in the novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is corrupted due to wealth and materialism which is common …show more content…

However, this era is better known as the roaring twenties. During this time it was the Jazz age and there were lots of prohibition that occured. Not to mention how much money had an affect on people. This novel not only demonstrates the way of life for people in this era but demonstrates their character. Their character is all based on the morals and qualities of that specific individual; the way one acts towards a certain situations is based on one's character. Character plays a huge role in The Great Gatsby, for it address the type of person the Great Gatsby really

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