Theme Of Bravery In The Maze Runner By James Dashner

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James Dashner's The Maze Runner is a novel that portrays the life of specifically chosen teenagers, who live in a colossal sized maze. They are tested to escape the maze and find a cure for the disease which broke out during The Changing. The Gladers who are inside the maze illustrate the theme of bravery in the novel, especially Thomas, after his arrival at the Glade. Thomas has the courage to take risks, such as going into the Maze at night to save Minho and Alby. His bravery gives him the opportunity to open up to his talents and abilities which allow him and his friends to grow and discover the mysteries of the Maze and their past lives. When we think of bravery in the Glade, we only think of the physical bravery, but bravery is also the state of showing courageous behaviour or character. We first see this form of bravery from Thomas as illustrated."Somehow he knew he had to do it. It was such an odd thing to feel, especially after what he had just seen...'Now …show more content…

This bravery eventually allows Thomas to show the Gladers a way out of the Maze. The bravery of putting others first before our own self and setting aside our own needs or well-being for the needs of others is clearly illustrated when Alby sacrifices his own life for the safety of the group. When the Author says "Instead of responding, Alby took off running- he headed straight for the pack of Grievers between him and the cliff."(333). Minho adds, "...He freaking sacrificed himself for us - and they aren't attacking, so maybe it worked. We'd be heartless if we wasted it." (334). Alby sacrifices his life to save everyone else and puts the well-being of others before his own and doing so, he allows the group to successfully escape the Maze. He shows bravery as he does not have any second thoughts on sacrificing himself. Minho also shows that they should not wait and mourn for their leader but to keep going on to find a way to

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