Theme Of Benedick

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Benedick and His Secret “Bene-heart” His relation and development to the thematic of the power of love (and how it drives you) Bene translates into good from Italian, explaining Benedick’s amusing personality. Benedick has the personality of a man’s man or, so to speak. He gives off a vibe of arrogance, superiority, and even a God complex, yet can change his mannerisms with the passing of time and friends. Others perceive him as lonely and overcompensating for the love he doesn’t have. When he does fall in love with Beatrice, he transforms into the lovesick fool he made fun of. The timeline of Benedick’s anti-love rhetoric transitioning into lovesick nonsense contextualizes the theme of the power of love (and how it drives you) among others, such as freedom, …show more content…

Benedick has been known to change his “best friends” multiple times, “Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother.” (Shakespeare 1.1.69-71). Benedick and his attitude towards his friendships can flip depending on the situation. The fact that Benedick will change friends and style all willy-nilly means something. He needs something stable in his life to hold him down to earth instead of trying to fill the empty void in his heart. When the time comes and Beatrice wants him to duel Claudio, he is willing, “ Enough, I am engaged. I will challenge him. I will kiss your hand, and so I leave you. By this hand, Claudio shall render me a dear account.” (Shakespeare 4.1.346-58). It is shocking seeing Benedick so willing to go after his “best friend” all for Beatrice and her love for him. He has now found something that can keep him grounded and down to Earth and he will do anything to keep things like that. Together with all of Benedick’s behavior he has gained experience and developed the one of the major themes power of love( and how it drives

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