Their Eyes Were Watching God Individuality Analysis

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Janie’s individuality in Their Eyes Were Watching God Living and shaping one’s own individuality in the early 1900s was difficult compared to modern times, even more so if they are a minority who faces various obstacles such as discrimination and sexism on a day-to-day basis. Sexism and racism are major themes in Their Eyes Were Watching God; particularly toward Janie. This forces her to condition herself to unfortunate situations, making it difficult for her find individuality by herself. However, it is still possible to find your own way, even in difficult situations, and Janie specifically seems to stray away form her own individuality more than would be wise, even if she does not realize it. This is mostly due to her naive nature and the people around her affecting the way she lives and thinks. for example, influences such as Nanny, Teacake, or Joe Starks. Nanny, Janie’s guardian, is a big influence in her life. Nanny means well for Janie because she had been a slave and wishes for Janie to live the life she could not. This causes Nanny to push expectations of early womanhood upon Janie. In the beginning of the book, …show more content…

He believes that women cannot think for themselves and need someone else to do the thinking for them. "Aw naw they don’t. They just think they’s thinkin’. When Ah see one thing Ah understands ten. You see ten things and don’t understand one" (71), He tells Janie, thus preventing her from having much as a say in what she does or says on any matter. Additionally, he objectifies and limits Janie by saying that she should not work and that she should just lie low. He states that, “A pretty doll-baby lak you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo’self and eat p’taters dat other folks plant just special for you" (29). This proves that he sees Janie as a trophy and not as an

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