Their Eyes Were Watching God Action Analysis

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Throughout the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, main character Janie Crawford is forced to make many internal decisions that render into external actions. Zora Neale Hurston portrays these internal decisions with the sense of excitement, suspense, and the use of climax in order to create lasting and significant events.The decisions to leave her first husband, stand up to Joe, and ultimately end Tea Cake’s life are pushed by Janie’s own thoughts and actions.
Up until the time when Janie is married off to Logan Killicks, she does not get to make many of her own decisions. Her life is mainly dictated by her grandmother. Her first real decision is to leave Logan for Joe Starks. Many events lead up to this decision. Janie was never happy with her life with Logan, and was just looking for an excuse to leave. On page 27, Janie purposely jerks the water handle to get Joe’s attention. From that moment, Hurston creates a sense of excitement for the reader who does not know how the whole ordeal will turn out. Then, they began meeting every day in secret, which is exciting in itself. To top it off, Joe asks her to take off and get married with him. That is when the internal decision-making begins, “Janie debated the matter in bed that night.”(page 30) She wakes her husband, Logan, and asks, “S’posin Ah wuz to run off and leave yuh sometime.”(page 30), and after an argument that morning, her mind has been set; she will run away with Joe Starks. All of this is very exciting, it …show more content…

The most significant events, the deaths of two husbands and the leaving of another, are considered by Janie until an external action is forced upon. Even though the reader may not agree with these decisions and actions, they can respect them due to Hurston’s use of elements including suspense, climax, and

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