Merton Concept Of Anomie To Crime And Criminal Behavior

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1.) Definitions:
A.) Merton concept of anomie that it apply to crime and criminal behavior. His theory argue that culturally-induced anomie leads to strain at ones level (Howell ch 8 slides, 2015).
B.) Messner and Rosenfield stated in their concept of anomie that society’s structure is in institution such as economy or family (Howell ch 8 slides, 2015).
C.) Lemert’s concept of secondary deviance is that it is the reoccurring of norm violations that comes from formal negative labeling that is caused from the change in self-concept and application (Howell ch 7 slides. 2015).
D.) Agnew’s concept of internal/external constraints which is they are factors that impact a deviant response to stain such as internal is self-control level and external can be social support (Howell ch 8, 2015).
E.) Lemert’s concept of self-concept is where one may view their self or how others may see a person.
2.) Lemert explains the continuation of criminal behavior as there is a primary deviance then leads to the person getting caught and having a negative label put on them by the justice system (Howell ch 7 slides, 2015). After the person received the negative label it is then internalized causing a change in their …show more content…

Just like Merton, Agnew’s theory explain deviant behavior is do to strain response (Howell ch 8 slides, 2015). The theory states that crime and delinquency are an alteration to stress and to what the source of the stress is (Akers & Sellers, 2009). The general model has three explanatory factors which are strain, negative emotion, and conditional factors that lead to the criminal behavior (Howell ch 8 slides, 2015). There are three types of sources which are failure to achieve a goal, the removal of a positive stimuli, and confrontation with a negative stimuli (Akers & Sellers,

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