The diverting views of the future of colonization

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The traditional Igbo society setting acknowledged the strength of women but suppressed it. Uchendu describes the role of mothers is "When there is sorrow and bitterness the motherland is a refuge to protect you"(126). Oknokwo's motherland, Mabanta, is revealed as an opportunity of forgiveness and healing yet he criticizes it's weakness. He doesn't accept being comforted or the wisdom his motherland could teach him. He suppresses the power that women may have contributed to his character. Enzinma exhibits traits which are masculine to Oknokwo, he thinks to himself if only "she were a boy"(PG). Oknokwo represents a tradition resistance to female power. He acknowledges that Ezinma has potential but because of gender she must settle for a childbearing position. Oknokwo uses her female charms such as her beauty to gain a higher fame in the tribe Umbanta but doesn't use her wisdom for advice on the conflicts within the tribe. The females in traditional Ibgo society are celebrated for their roles as mothers yet it limits their other abilities by restricting it to childbearing roles. The roles for women expand because of colonialism thus they contribute in different ways to Igbo society through education or leadership. Olanna and Kainene are twins yet there is no judgment compared to pre-colonization Igbo society where they would have been discarded. The sisters are childless but there is no stigma or expectation for them to be married. Olanna teaches education for the children's future. She teaches the Biafra nationalism and English language to the children. She gains this ability by colonization which allowed women to pursue higher education. She uses her skills to give back to the community. Kainene leads a refuge group providing supp... ... middle of paper ... ...uppressed in reaching their full power. The women in Half a Yellow Sun are able to reach full potential contributing to the future of Igbo society. The Europeans in Achebe’s book have alterative motives under the guise of kindness. A protagonist is British in half a yellow sun is able to indulge in Igbo culture and cherish it without personal gain. The author Achebe believes colonization silences African voices while Adichie believes that African writers will prevail in the future revealing their voices. The authors existed in different periods of colonization; Achebe lived in the early stages gaining a pessimistic view compared to Achibe in the later period where the future seemed more hopeful. Achebe speaks about the dangerous nature of colonization while Achibe shows the potential that the two cultures of Europe and Africa will learn and benefit from one another.

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