The cake

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Lauren's pov

I dragged myself to my bedroom as I collapsed on the bed after an exhausting day at work. As I fell into bed I felt something crumple under me, I rolled over too find a now crumpled folded piece of paper with "Lauren" scribbled on the front. With rather poor handwriting I immediately recognized it to be the handwriting of my one and only girlfriend Camila. I smile at just the thought of her name how many people do you know that the mere thought of their name makes you break out into a smile. I excitedly unfolded the piece of paper and started to read it, it read "Lauren make your way to the kitchen I have a surprise for you! Love you - Camz" My smile somehow grows wider as I roll of the bed and start towards the kitchen. My horribly exhausting day at work completely forgotten in a matter of seconds all because if Camz. My mind starts to wonder as I walk down the hall to the kitchen, our two year anniversary isn't for another couple weeks wonder what she has waiting for me in the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen I notice on the table a chocolate cake, I walk closer and ...

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