The World of Wuthering Heights

729 Words2 Pages

How Is The Reader Drawn Into The World Of Wuthering Heights In

Chapters 1&2?

The opening chapters of Wuthering heights are at times both confusing

and strange and deliberately so; they serve as an introduction to the

world of the novel the at this point in the novel, the un-revealed

complexity of the relationships between the characters. It is this

sense of mystery that reels the reader into the mass of events that

have occurred in the past times of WH and which lead to the enigmatic

current situation. Curiosity plays a major part in enticing the reader

to read further into the 'world of WH' at this early stage. I feel

that it is effectively achieved through a host of factors, including

character appearances and attitudes, the appearance and atmosphere of

Wuthering Heights as a place and quite importantly the first narrator

in the book and what he allows us to know about WH. Lockwood gives us

intense descriptive details about the appearance and atmosphere of WH

but fails to give us any real insight into the people or the history

behind the house. This introduces an ...

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