Literary Analysis: Wuthering Heights

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[IRS Journal] Book One – “Wuthering Heights”

Title Analysis: “Wuthering Heights”
Wuthering (local adjective used within the text): an adjective used to describe the fierce and wild winds that blow during storms on the moors
Through this analysis of the title, one can assume that the winds which blow across the moors during the storms may represent the conflicts which seem to occur so often in Wuthering Heights between the characters (Heathcliff and Catherine etc.)
Text Style: Gothic Literature:
Gothic literature is a literary style which was popular towards the end of the 18th century, and was usually portrayed as a fantastical tale dealing with horror, despair, the grotesque and other dark elements, such as ghosts. Ghosts are a recurring …show more content…

Their love for one another can also be thought of forbidden love due to the large difference in social standing between the both of them. Also, a sort of ‘Love Triangle’ is also shown throughout the text between Catherine, Heathcliff and another male named Edgar. Whilst Catherine loves Heathcliff, she knows she must marry Edgar, who loves her, in order to keep her high place in society. It is this love triangle that seems to cause most of the conflicts that occur within Wuthering Heights.
Precariousness of One’s Social Standing:

Another theme is the precariousness of one’s social standing. This can be linked in with forbidden love. Catherine chooses Edgar over Heathcliff based off his social standing, and she believes she has made the right choice based on that her place in society would be elevated. It is evident that one’s social standing was of upmost importance, and marrying Heathcliff would be unacceptable for a lady such as …show more content…

She seems to criticise both characters (being Heathcliff and Catherine) equally throughout her recount of their lives. Although, Nelly is not the only narrator of Wuthering Heights as Lockwood also recounts some of Catherine’s life through the reading of her journals from which he found after his stay at Wuthering Heights.
Time being represented as a cycle
Emily Bronte recounts the tales of Catherine and Heathcliff’s lives in a cycle. The narrator, Nelly, tells each characters tales from different points in their lives, jumping from one month to that of another a period of time later, instead of having a steady flow of events. Through this, we focus on the most important events of each characters life, events which are significant to the plot line and the development that each character goes through.
Time in this narrative is structured in two different ways, at some points it can be considered a “present narrative”, which tells the tale of what is happening in that present time, and a “past narrative”, which is recounted by several characters within the text to tell the tale of what happened in the

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