The Work Behind Women's Gain of the Vote

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The Work Behind Women's Gain of the Vote

Women wanted the right to vote. Its as simple as that. Or is it?

Through years leading up to 1918 women done horrendous acts for the

attention of getting the right to vote for women. There were many

things women could not do without the vote, such as; Become lawyers,

work in banks, to get a degree and in jobs they were paid a lot less

than men. The vote would have a large affect on women’s lives and

would gain more respect for them. So why didn’t women have the vote?

Men didn’t believe that women should hold such the large

responsibility to have a say in how the county is run. Men thought

women were irrational and hysterical. They say man was created by god

to rule over women and we have no right to alter this. Unfortunatley

for the women most mp’s were men, so they were at a huge loss. Being

able to get them on there side was going to be a long and hard job.

After all this hard work, death’s and imprisonments women finally

gained suffrage . This was because of the first world war, women

finally had the chance to show men that they’re just as good as them!

Millicent Fawcett started the National Union of Women’s Suffrage, what

we know as the suffragists late in the 1890’s. She believed in

peaceful protest. She felt that any violence or trouble would persuade

men that women could not be trusted with the vote. But these protests

weren’t making any progress this made many women angry, and in 1903

Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel and Sylvia founded the

Women’s Social and Political Union, The suffragettes. The suffragettes

were militant and out spoken, they committed many assaults and

performed many violent acts. But it wasn’t until 1910’s that they

became this violent, beforehand they were relatively peaceful but

still gained a lot of attention. The sort of things they did were,

magazine publishing, merchandise making as they needed a lot of money

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