The Word Retard

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Being politically correct is an artificial concept of omitting potentially abusing words to comfort people who potentially could get insulted by them (political). In contrast, the term politically incorrect is the direct opposite. Meaning the use of words may cause offense to certain groups of people. For instance the use of the word “retarded” has been used so badly that it’s now used as a slur. There’s also campaigns and movements against it called “Spread the Word to End the Word” sponsored by Special Olympics (Downes). The use of the word “retard” is offending people everyday which is a symbol of pain few realize exists. Even when it's not directed at people with intellectual disabilities, it perpetuates that pain and stigma (Shriver). …show more content…

People say oh it was just me and my friends talking were not trying to cause any harm, but in reality they are. Trust me, I know how bad it hurts to hear someone say “retarded” because I used to say it myself until my little cousin was born with down syndrome. I never realized how bad it could hurt someone until I witness how bad it could effected my cousin. Just imagine having a family member with some type of disability hear someone say the word “retarded,” you surly would feel good about it. You would want to protect your family member from feeling different and out of place from others. You wouldn’t want him or her asking you if they where stupid or a idiot because of something they over heard. Marry Ellen Powers once said “We aren’t being politically correct, or the ‘word police.’ We are compassionate people who have been hurt by the sting of that one word and we don’t want anyone else hurt by it. Words DO hurt! We may learn at a slower rate, but we are not retarded. All we want is to be accepted, and respected! In fact, the only R-word in our dictionary is RESPECT!” This quote shows how the use of one word can effect someones life (Powers). Thats why the use of politically incorrect language is demeaning and disrespectful; Therefore, we should try to be avoided when using the word …show more content…

Chase High School is a wonderful example because every year they participate in the campaign “Spread the Word to End the Word.” This is a campaign in the United States that to encourage people to pledge to stop using the word “retard”. Chase High School will have local students sign poster boards to support and plague against saying the “r-word.” While also getting to play games at after school events, and also take pictures with students who have a disability (the project unify team) in the school. Their goal last year was to receive 850 signatures and succeed

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