The Word Addiction

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Addiction- noun, the need or obsession to do good or bad with any particular action or substance (Official Dictionary of Maurice) Addiction is often viewed as a negative word in relation to something evil. But, in all reality the word, addiction, can be used in either a positive or negative way. When people think addiction they think of crackheads or alcoholics. Although those are bad addictions a good one can be drinking a lot of water instead of soda or whether always eating a salad as a side food. Addictions can tear apart families or bring families together. This essay will contain the good form of the word addiction and how the word addiction has become such a negative word. “It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it.” -Ken Hensley …show more content…

I would relate addiction close to obsession. I would because, the root of an obsession and addiction is “I have to do it” In all reality every word has a bad and good side. These worlds can be used in the same ways. The obsession to keep your room clean and the addiction to keep your room clean have two different words, two different spellings but, the same exact meaning. For example, many people have and addiction/obsession to their smartphones. The smartphone is a versatile weapon. It can spread evil or it can spread the good. Let’s say people use their phones only to spread good. That shows a lot of love and passion in order to take time and spread the good vibes. The world. Why is addiction viewed as a negative term? An answer would just be society in general has in terms downgraded much of the english dictionary to make many words

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