The Vulnerability Of The Community In The Giver

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In the novel The Giver, the community Jonas lives in benefits from not having to make choices. Since the Community is devoid of comprehensive reasoning, they have no context on questioning, inquisitive thought or argumentative negotiation. As the Government has complete control over the citizens, the citizens themselves are mentally sound and content; they have no need to choose or pick. As a result of not having the ability to choose, the Community will never (unless a drastic change happens) have to use conscious reasoning, making their life easier. For example, in today's world, it is an everyday struggle to make choices. One can feel massive pressure on what to eat, what to wear, even what to think. Sometimes, one can make the wrong choices, some with awful outcomes. Since the Community in The Giver has the benefit of not having the capability to make decisions, they live like robots, droning along and obeying all the rules. This makes life much easier and livable because no choice equals no conflict. Since they have no reason to act out, they can live peaceful lives. In the novel, there are few mentions of people making “transgressions”. The Government in The Giver tries its hardest to keep the people under control. If citizens do have a reason to act out, then the Government is not doing its job. For example, the man who made two transgressions in the novel was “frightening” to Jonas’ mother. This shows how unnerved the Government in The Giver can get when someone acts out, leading to the conclusion that the people in The Giver’s Community are not to have power because large numbers of rebellious citizens can create chaos in their small

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