Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe

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This story is told to us in a first person point of view. The narrator (Montresor) starts by telling us that Fortunato has hurt him in such a horrible way, that it was an insult to him. He must now get revenge for this and this Fortunato will meet his end; he meets Fortunato, who happens to be dressed as a jester at a carnival celebration that has taken place in the beginning. Montresor mentioned that he has a rare sherry called Amontillado in his possession. Fortunato expresses great interest in wanting to verifying and drinking this rare sherry authenticity. Once convinced Montresor takes Fortunato to under underground catacombs’ of his family, this is where he says that he has this rare wine. As they go deeper into the catacombs Montresor gives him a Medoc and later will give him a Flagon de Grave, to keep him drunk until they reach their point. As they keep going Fortunato …show more content…

The amount of Usage and References of Symbolism and Irony evident in Edgar Allan Poe's’ “The Cask of Amontillado”. The symbolism of any object, person, place, or experience that represents more than what it is. The Irony of any person or object is opposite of what is intended such as Verbal and Dramatic Irony.
In this story the character of Montresor responded to Symbolism… like Montresor name, in the story it means Treasure and for many reasons. In an article titled ‘Symbolism and Irony in “The Cask of Amontillado,”’ says that the treasure the narrator possesses is the knowledge of the perfect revenge on Fortunato. It also symbolizes the great quality of how Montresor’s mind works in his plan for his great revenge. Along with his great knowledge Montresor also had great control on what was going to happen and when it will take place… for

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