The Use Of Diction In The Masque Of The Red Death

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In the Masque of the Red Death, Poe utilizes diction of deception, visual imagery, and archetypes to show that even in full awareness, people did not use their resources to help those in need or in other words one can not escape death; however, Poe also utilizes foreshadowing and irony in order to create a mysterious mood;ominous tone in the story. For example, “the presence of the Red Death had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood bedewed halls…...Poe 5)” This portrays the theme of the short story because it shows the reader that no one is capable of escaping death; moreover, Poe also incorporates his superfluous use of diction and visual imagery in order to give the reader a sense of feeling of how it is like to be held in the hands of the plague that haunts the hallways of Prince Prospero. …show more content…

For example, Poe uses the chimes of the clock as a symbol that time is passing by, “chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale and that the more aged and sedate passed their hands…(2).” The content that this quote holds can help the reader make a prediction that people's lives that are within the room are starting to drift away; moreover, the clock is also seen as an archetype in the story because it symbolizes the most tedious part of life; when one becomes decrepit due to the fact that one is growing old. Poe incorporates verbal irony in order to make the story more beguiling to the reader. For example when Poe states, “but the mummer had got so far as to assume the type of red death (4).” This quote gives an example on how the author uses verbal irony in order to tell the reader the literal meaning of how the people were assuming how the Red Death looked like

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