The Truman Show

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The Truman Show

The Truman show is a film and everyone in it are actors except from

Truman. Christof, how is the creator of the show said "There's no more

truth out there than in the world than I created for you. The same

lies, the same deceit". This statement is kind of true, there are lies

and deceit in both worlds except form in the world that Christof made

everything is controlled. People will often act the same everyday, in

a certain situation e.g. if someone says how are you, you would

usually always reply by saying something like "I'm fine how are you"

even if you don't feel fine. The Truman show shows us this, with one

difference, it is all exaggerated. This is the same with our private

and public self people act differently when they are on the own and

when they are with people.

Truman acts the same with the people around him. He says the same

things to the same people everyday, and they will reply with the same

thing. He is always kind and cheerful to people around him.

When Truman goes to work as he steps out-side his door the next-door

neighbours are outside and they say "good morning" to Truman, he then

replies " good morning, and encase I don't see you, good afternoon,

good evening and good night. Once again this is an exaggerated version

of the real world and the way people act. We have all been trained to

do things; saying hello to people, shaking hands ect. These actions

and statements aren't always genuine. You will often say tings but you

don't really mean it e.g. if someone gives you a present that you

don't like, most people wouldn't say "I don't wan it take it back"

most people would say "thank you for the present"

Truman is different when he is with Sylvia on the beach, or with

Marlon, who he thinks he can trust.

The media has a big influence on Truman. This is also exaggerated

compared to the real world.

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