The Triune God And God The Father

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The Triune God and God the Father
Epistemology and Revelation
Jones ' book "Practicing Christian Doctrine" explains that Christians believe epistemology comes from four main sources that make up the four sides of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (Jones 16). The first of these sources is the source of scripture which Christians believe the Holy Spirit influenced and gives direct insight into the character of God and the gospel. Along with scripture, Christians derive many beliefs from church tradition as the church passes along many rituals and practices of discipline. Rational thought and philosophy can also dictate who God is. Christians use reason to contemplate the meaning behind their existence and interpret scripture and tradition. Lastly experience, can help guide an individual. Since Christians believe God sovereign rules over many of the events of life, experiences can portray some of God 's character.
God reveals himself in two main ways: through general revelation and through special revelation. Theologians consider general revelation to embody all of God 's character revealed through means accessible to all. The first source of general revelation comes from nature that shows the character of God. "The heavens declare the glory of God...night after night they display knowledge" (ESV, Psalms 19:1-2). Additionally, all people can know God 's character through moral law that all people can access through reason (ESV, Romans 1:20).
Christians call the second type of revelation special revelation which, unlike general revation, is not provided to everyone in the same universal way. Special revelation takes place in the Bible in many instances through theophany or the direct revealing of God (Jones 34). Examples of this includ...

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...taining it and reigning over it. While creation itself portrays God 's almighty nature, God 's providence portray His mercy. Romans to make this providential care clear when it says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (ESV, Romans 8:28) Paul writes that the people of God are influenced by God 's concurrence: His work using what He has made (Jones 91). All things, while sometimes seemingly irrelevant or malevolent, work for the overall good. Paul later goes on to say "and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified" (ESV, Romans 8:30) God works in His people (who are His creation) to glorify Himself as Paul writes in Philippians "...for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (ESV, Philippians 2:13).

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