The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Teenager

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The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Teenager As a teenager, life explodes into a cosmos of complications. You're suddenly allowed to do this, but not that. People expect you to take on a more adult role, yet still treat you as a child. However, it's easy to what teenage society expects of you. Many adults don't fully understand the complexity of teenage society, but who can blame them? It makes complex microbiology look like a lesson in the finer art of tying your shoelaces. Some try to understand by putting teenagers into solid categories such as, "Goths" or "Skaters." Unfortunately they come nowhere close. No child classifies themselves as any particular type. They refuse to do so for fear that they will make immediate enemies; there are no clear cut lines. In this awkward vacuum, the small frightened lambs group together in pack, as they cannot survive by themselves, and rely on the protection of the group. In turn, they give support to any in their group when they see it to be a popular motion. Instead of having to approach these large "categories" of teens, you have to approach each pack or tribe differently. This is one of the reasons why children of this age so fear moving house, and having to somehow approach new tribes, being a complete outcast for a long time. Although the boys will find it difficult, I pity the girls, as everything is even more group intensive, and if you fell out with someone, or become excluded for various reasons in a girl's circle, you'll be isolated and targeted for a long time. Even if you disagree with the "banishment" of a friend, you would not dare voice your opinion, especially not to the current snarling leader of the pack, in case you're next. Therefore, much time in a teenager's life is devoted to making sure you don't offend anyone you shouldn't, and that you don't do anything stupid or strange which would warrant you being disowned from the group. Much time is also spent on making sure you don't lack

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