The Treasure Of Lemon Brown By Walter Dean Myers

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Literary Essay on Theme I If you really think hard, you will eventually realize that you have a treasure. Every man has a treasure, but maybe some people just have not found it yet. In the story, “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers, Greg Ridley was receiving a lecture from his father about his below par efforts in math. Next, Greg was “investigating” the abandoned building, which its door was slightly ajar. Once he was inside, he met a man who’s name was Lemon Brown. They discussed Lemon’s son, his treasure, and his jazz career. Through the actions and conversations …show more content…

Lemon also talks about how tough times are always after an old man. “‘What do you mean, if I have one,’ Lemon Brown said, ‘every man got a treasure. You don’t know that you must be a fool’”(534). As stated by Lemon himself, this fully spells out that each person has a treasure to cherish. These treasures can help bring back and preserve memories that might have been forgotten if these cherishable items were not here. Lemon Brown then went onto tell Greg, tough times always after an old man. I sat down one day and felt a tap on my back. That was when I knew that tough times had finally found me (535). Hard times are never easy. With an important treasure, you can make it through tough times a little bit easier because you have a treasure to remind you of better times. Your treasure should be important to you, whether it is something simple and small, just a memory, or a colossal object that means a lot to you, keep them close to you. You may need them to remind you of fonder times. Whatever your reason to have a treasure is, hold it close, you and other people will cherish …show more content…

He shows us that through the actions and dialogue of the main characters of the story, “The Treasure of Lemon Brown.” You need to remember that if you don’t work hard and cherish an education that you may not succeed at life but, to succeed at life, always live by the motto, whatever you put in something, you are going to get out of something. Next, if you are, or ever are going through tough times, have something to cherish. These treasures can also help you remember fond times. Last, make sure to take care of your treasure so you can hold onto it forever. Finally, please always remember that you have a treasure. Even though you may not know what it is yet, you will eventually discover it. Whenever you are you are feeling down, want to remember fonder times, going through tough times, or just want to relive the memories that these treasures hold within them, think about Lemon and how much it helped him through his struggles and think about what it could do for you. So I leave you with this question, What’s your

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