The Trailer Of The James Bond Film Spectre

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The trailer of the James Bond movie "Spectre" directed by Sam Mendes begins with the credits of MGM and Columbia studios, followed by the exposition of a destroyed town through an establishing shot. The conflict is first revealed, when James Bond looks over old files and a voice-over of a previously introduced character mentions a secret of Bond. The plot becomes more complex as a mysterious organization is shown and a series of action sequences follow in forms of car chases and shootings. Eventually, the climax is reached through the first direct interaction of the hero and villain during the event of the organization. Given that it is only a trailer there is no direct falling action or resolution, because it serves only as first impression of the film without giving away too much of the storyline. Thus, the trailer ends with the coda, the film title and other relevant information.
Based on the trailer, one can find seven out of the eight character typologies of …show more content…

However, the possible dispatcher may be the woman, who gives Bond the folder entailing documents about him. Later in the trailer she states to believe that it is only the beginning for James Bond and thus indicated that it is possibly starting point of the journey. Most likely to qualify as the helper is a young guy with glasses, who helps Bond by building and improving new technologies for the agent to ease his mission. The princess of the film seems to be a French, blond woman. Bond promises to keep her safe and she can be seen in a car chase. Given that they are also featured in a romantic dinner scene, one can speculate whether or not they are also involved in an intimate relationship at some point in the movie. It is possible that the blind man in the cabin serves as donor, because James Bond requires information from him. However, it is not entirely clear if he is successful as well as the nature of the

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