10 Common Hair Mistakes Everyone Seems to Make

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To most people their hair is one of their most prized possessions. They go to great lengths to take care of it and make it shinier, fuller and more beautiful. Hair styling tools, treatments, and products – all these are invested in to maintain beautiful locks that they can be proud of and will be everyone’s envy. But sometimes individuals focus too much on styling their hair. Sometimes they fail to realise the key to having beautiful hair is to keep it healthy. Many people do things to their hair every day without knowing that these are already contributing to its deterioration. Take a good look at this list and make sure you aren’t doing these ten common hair mistakes. 1. Washing the hair every day. Regularly washing the hair promotes oil production. So frequent shampooing will only give you oily hair. It’s best not to shampoo the hair every day to let natural oils in hair protect your scalp. This way excess oil on the scalp can be prevented. The maximum number of times to wash the hair should be limited to once in every two days. 2. Towel-drying hair after a shower. The best way to dry the hair after a shower is to blot-dry it. Gently dab the hair with a towel and avoid aggressively rubbing it. The latter will only result to breakage as hair is very fragile when wet. 3. Brushing hair when wet. Aside from not rubbing hair with a towel after a shower, it’s also not good to brush the hair when wet. The best way to do it is with a wide-toothed comb. Start at the bottom then work your way up. And remember not to tug on the tangles. 4. Tying hair in the same place. Especially if you have long hair, you may be used to tying your hair in a ponytail in the same place. This is actually bad for the hair. Regularly tying the hair in the sam... ... middle of paper ... ... It can help keep the hair in shape and even add a bit of style. 10. Thinking that diet and lifestyle will have nothing to do with hair. A low-calorie diet, regularly drinking and smoking – these will not only affect your body but will affect your hair as well. A balanced diet is needed for healthy hair growth. Unhealthy diets may even lead to hair loss. An unhealthy lifestyle that includes excessive smoking and drinking will also have negative effects to your hair. Styling your hair and undergoing various hair treatments can do wonders for the hair. But if you keep on doing damaging practices to your hair, it will only lead to its deterioration and no matter how much you try to beautify it, it won’t be as gorgeous as it once was. In making sure you don’t commit the most common hair mistakes you ensure you maintain a beautiful and healthy hair you can keep for years.

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