The Thin Red Line

510 Words2 Pages

The Thin Red Line

During the blood-stained war of the novel The Thin Red

Line a theme is presented, "Only the courageous and

emotionally strong-willed survive." Throughout the

storyline, the army of men parading through Guadalcanal are

bombarded with unpredictable situations and odds. Only the

men with courage at their backs and their heads screwed on

straight can get through this chaos. The timid, scared

stiff ones will not get out alive, but the ones who swallow

their nerves can survive. Several men display these

qualities of bravery such as: Private Jon Bell, Captain

James Stein, and Corporal Fife. Their heroic

characteristics and deeds what saved the men overall,

disobeying their sergeant included. They did what they

needed to do to keep as many people alive as possible. The

ones who are left standing were the ones who kept their

cool. The men discovered what was "the thin red line"

between the living and the dead, the crazy and the sane, how

to live another day.

Towards the beginning of the story this theme has been

portrayed through the mi...

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