Facilitating Child Learning Through Personalized Assistance

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Although at my placement I interacted with every child and helped children who needed the help but I was assigned with one particular child who I would normally sit next to and help him with his work. Once the teacher designed a history lesson where he created a power point on Nelson Mandela and he went through the power point to the whole class explaining facts about Mandela. The teacher gave time to the children where he asked children to write important facts about Mandela in their own words in their work books. The teacher came up to me and said If I could work with child A by asking him questions that relate to the topic and whatever child A 's response is I will have to write it for him as this will be a quicker method and child A can …show more content…

Assessments are common in every education setting to test children 's knowledge. I asked the teacher why does this school encourage the children to do tests, she replied back stating that assessments allows her to see where the child are at in their education and it also allows her to create groups based on children 's abilities. For example, in the class I work with there is a top, middle and bottom set and based on the results of the tests the teacher decides what set the child belongs to. The conflict theories views on this is that it see 's the education system maintaining social inequality which means that the schools train children from working class background, to accept they are lower in position in the society therefore they will have low paid jobs (Cliffnotes, n.d.). However, I disagree with this because the education system has now changed as it gives every child the opportunity to succeed regardless of what social class background they are from. For example, in my placement the teacher works hard with children who are quite weak in their studies and provides them with a teaching assistant who can give one to one help to the child, during the lesson. Also the school has an after school homework club that helps children with their homework, especially those children whose parents are not educated to help them. However, the functionalists views differs from the conflict as they believe that in order for the society to survive the education system needs to ensure that people are trained to fill in different types of job roles (Cliffnotes, n.d.). For example, to ensure the survival of society there needs to be a balanced of high skilled jobs and low skilled jobs. This means that the society needs a balance of people who work in supermarkets and people who can become doctors, lawyers

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