The Theme Of War In Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles

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The underlining theme in The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury is unarguably war. War is the point of origin from all conflicts generated throughout this story. War drives man to Mars, nearly wipes out the Martian population, wreaks havoc on Earth, and forces humans to leave their newly found planet to its previous tenants. War is the driving factor for this whole story; without it, this story never occurred. It gives humanity the courage to travel way out of their comfort zone onto a wasteland of a planet. Being that war follows humans to Mars due to their actions makes humans realize that they cannot escape their own violence. In the beginning of the book, it foreshadows an atomic war on Earth. Humans have broken out into violence all over the Earth. Humanity had to put up with constant bombing and constant chaos. The skies were always red, and there is always pain that flows through the air. Humanity thinks about ways to escape all the chaos to go to a place that might provide a peaceful environment. One place comes to mind; this place is secluded and no brutal environment. It is called Mars. They need a rocket to get Mars. Two astronauts finally go on this expedition. It is considered the first attempt to a new peaceful place. In the fourth …show more content…

While humans start to take over Mars, it starts to look more like planet Earth. “The town was dead, its beds were empty and cold.” (Bradbury,Ray. The Martian Chronicles. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1958.63.Print.) What happened to Earth is starting to happen to Mars. So in humanities reality, they could not escape their own violence. Most of the voyagers decide to leave the planet to its ruins and go back to Earth. Why they did this is a question that is brought up. They leave a destroyed planet for another. Humans are the reason why violence never ends, and it is the reason they can never escape

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