The Theme Of Adulthood In Catcher In The Rye

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Chasing Childhood, Avoiding Adulthood: Running from the Inevitable
According to Patient Information Publications, the period of adolescence is difficult due to the fact that “it is a time of rapid physical development and deep emotional changes” within a person. During this time, people change and become different from who they were before as they slowly reach the destination of adulthood. In this five to seven year span, people have trouble coping with the idea of adulthood rushing towards them. A young adult like this, Holden Caulfield, is detailed in J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye as he spends a weekend in New York City after being expelled from his last school trying to find himself. As the plot of the novel progresses, Salinger proceeds to paint the portrait of a troubled young man who struggles with adolescence and the idea of having to become an adult under tough circumstances like millions of adolescents do. Through the use of motifs and symbols, and the development of Holden’s diction, Salinger details his theme of how adolescence is a difficult time for people as they desire an eternal childhood but have to accept the realities of adulthood.
Motifs and symbols make frequent appearances as Holden deals with himself and the world around him. Important motifs and symbols in the novel include Jane Gallagher, the ducks …show more content…

Salinger uses motifs, symbols, and Holden’s diction to convey the difficulties of adolescence and the struggle between letting go and moving on. Through Holden’s struggles, The Catcher in the Rye makes its readers ponder about human nature and the emotional struggles of becoming an adult. In this period of time, one might find themselves without a sense of direction in their life, and without a grip on the reality that they are facing. Salinger conveys to his readers that letting go of childhood will be difficult but necessary as there could be incredible mental and social repercussions if one refuses to accept

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