The Tempest Research Paper

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The tempest VS Risen

A discovery will lead to a transformed or renewed perspective of the world, and as a result will challenge the views and beliefs previously held by an individual. These ideas are echoed in William Shakespeare’s pastoral Romance “The Tempest”, 1611, where the characters are forced to adapt to a new society and way life because of the actions of Prospero, who induces the Tempest. Similar ideas are examined through Kevin Reynolds 2016 film Risen, which focuses on the Roman Tribune Clavius’ discovery of the resurrected Jesus Christ and shows how this unexpected discovery has altered his whole world and presented it in a new and more meaningful fashion.
A Discovery can change the way that an individual relates to their environment, …show more content…

Clavius’ discovery risen Jesus Christ has a profound transformation on all aspects of his life, including his social standing, the people he relates to and the purpose of his life. This transformation is shown clearly by the juxtaposition between Clavius’ life before and after his discovery of Jesus. Clavius shows his abstinence towards to the acts of Jesus Christ early in the film where we see him interrogation Mary Magdalene about the supposed abduction of Jesus’ body. The dialogue from Clavius “Spare me the riddles and zealot babble, where did you take Yeshua?” along with his imperative tone of voice show that wants to resolve this issue quickly so that his position and career will not be under threat. This scene is juxtaposed with the scene later in the film where we see Clavius engaging in a private conversation with the risen Jesus Christ. The line of dialogue “I believe, and now I can never be the same” along with the relaxed body language from Clavius shows that he has found a sense of peace with Jesus, and shows how this peace will change the way that he lives his life forever. As seen in the Tempest, this transformation in Clavius’ life has originated from a discovery, and shows how his life has now taken on a new meaning due to his

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