The Tell Tale Heart Rhetorical Analysis

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The Tell Tale Heart, an arabesque styled short story written by Edgar Allan Poe, uses short story conventions to create an enthralling narrative through emphasis of the melodramatic emotions of a murderer who, ironically, claims he is not mad. Through the successful use of genre and narrative perspective along with structural and linguistic techniques such as repetition, irony and hyphenated speech, Poe’s, The Tell Tale Heart, becomes a story that positons the reader into being inquisitive about the sanity of the protagonist and whether the recount they are being told is reliable. Through the use stylistic features, Poe immediately creates a sense of unease in the reader, by stating that the protagonist is “…nervous – very, very dreadfully …show more content…

It is recognised that by using repetition, Poe highlights the obsessive behaviour of the protagonist. The narrator repeats things such as his actions continuously. This is most recognisable during the building of rising action, the ‘deed’, “…I thrust in my head… you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in… it took me an hour to place in my whole head…” and also when describing how he entered the room on the eighth night “… steadily, steadily…stealthily, stealthily -… wide, wide open…” The unusual attention given to the protagonist’s movements also indicate a strong sense of irony as it seems as though he was proud with how cunning he was with the murder. After he commits the murder, he states that “…if you [still] think [that he is] mad, you will think no longer when [he] describe[s] the wise precautions [he] took...” And then begins explaining how he “…dissembled the corpse.” The use of dramatic irony is a direct indication to the sanity of the protagonist, as the things he describes are both immoral and unethical. Another successfully used technique was hyphenated speech, as the story intensified towards the end, Poe’s use of hyphenated speech increased, which in concept made the dialogue and thought processes seem further distorted resulting in a clear indication to the insanity of the

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