Edgar Allan Poe Figurative Language Essay

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Edgar Allen Poe is known for his dark yet comedic approach toward the his theme of his stories. Likewise, Poe’s themes have gathered many fans due to his impression of reasoning in his stories. The author uses thinking and reasoning to portray the theme. Poe’s unique diction comprehends with the theme of the story. Poe has a brilliant way of taking gothic tales of mystery, and terror, and mixing them with variations of a romantic tale by shifting emphasis from, surface suspense and plot pattern to his symbolic play in language and various meanings of words. The descriptiveness of his works evenly paces his stories and expansive use of vocabulary allows him to use just the right words to boost the theme. Therefore, using an expensive amount …show more content…

His mix of sound devices such rhyme and alliteration, makes his story more horrific and on the corner of your seat good. Likewise, he has a idiosyncratic style of writing which applies to ethos and also logos. He uses hyphens to indicate agitation or fear in his narrator.Poe has a brilliant way of taking gothic tales of mystery and terror and mixing them with variations of a romantic tale by shifting emphasis from surface suspense and plot pattern to his symbolic play in language and various meanings of words. Devices of description, from demographia to triplets adjectival and adverbial, and conclude that Poe is a highly descriptive writer. Poe employs all of the types classified by Lanham. Lanham calls techniques of argument also abound; Poe is, after all, an eminently rhetorical writer not only in his literary criticism, where we would expect attempts at persuasion, but in his fiction as well.” (Zimmerman 8) Poe uses many of these deliberately as devices of comedy often verbal comedy: antisthecon, barbarism, bomphiologia, epenthesis, metathesis, prosonomasia, and puns.Poe uses comedy as a distraction from the petrifying atmosphere.The narrator also uses repetition, emphasizing his actions and building suspense. Using this creates the suspense and the theme of the

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