The Teachings About Abortion and the Sanctity of Life that are Found in the Bible

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The Teachings About Abortion and the Sanctity of Life that are Found in the Bible

An abortion is the premature expulsion of a foetus from the womb,

which may be induced or natural, in which case it is usually called a

miscarriage. Abortion was legalised in 1967 and before then around

200,000 "backstreet" illegal abortions took place each year.

For Christians, the topic of abortion is a problem as it raises many

difficult issues. As it is an issue that concerns life and death, it

stirs up strong emotions. Peoples' views on abortion often rest on

their answer to question "When does life begin?" A lot of Pro-life

supporters say that life begins at the moment of conception, while

some Pro-choice supporters would say life begins at birth, or after

the point of viability (when the baby can survive outside the womb).

There is also difficulty deciding who has the right to say whether the

baby lives or dies and whether a mother's life is more important than

her child's.

As there are no quotes in the Bible directly referring to abortion,

Christians have taken verses referring to pregnancy, babies, life and

death and interpreted them to apply to abortion.

In Genesis 1.v 26-27, the quote "God created man in his own image" has

been explained to mean that to give and take life is God's right

alone, and so carrying out abortions goes against God's will, which is

obviously against abortion when interpreted in this way. Two more

quotes from Genesis view God as a Creator and so are against abortion.

They are Genesis 2.v 7 "The Lord God…breathed into his nostrils the

breath of life and the man became a human being" and Genesis 5.v 1-2


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... of two evils." This statement is telling Christians that to

withhold compassion is evil. The statement could apply to abortion if

a woman who had been raped wanted an abortion, then the Church would

show her compassion by granting her one.

While these two Christian denominations both refer to the Bible to

guide their views on abortion, it is clear from comparing these

Catholic and Church of England views that the Catholic Church is

wholly against abortion under any circumstances and takes the

teachings in the Bible very literally. However, the Church of England

is prepared to take the mother's circumstances into account when

deciding whether or not to grant an abortion. This is because Jesus

taught was forgiveness and compassion are important and so the Church

of England believes that to withhold compassion is evil.

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