The Suffragete Movement

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The Suffragete Movement

In Britain only two thirds of the male population were allowed to

vote, these did not include, men who did not own property or pay at

least £10 per year in rent, servants who lived with their employers,

criminals and lunatics. Women could not vote at all.

In 1906 The Suffragete Movement was used to describe women campaigning

for the right to vote, Emmiline Pankhurst was one of the first leaders

of the Suffragete movement.

The fight for the right for women to vote was a violent revolution

for the rights of all men and all women to be treated equally this was

led by Emmiline Pankhurst and her fellow Suffragettes.

On 19th May 1905, 10 women went to speak to the Prime Minister. One of

those women was Emily Davies, who was 76 years old. It was Emily who

handed the first women’s suffrage petition to the Prime Minister. In

return all they received was some advice about ‘being patient’. This

was not the result they wanted. They wanted to be taken seriously.

In 1906, Christobel Pankhurst and her colleague attended a meeting

held by Sir Edward Grey, a leading Liberal. There they assaulted a

policeman, were arrested and sentenced to seven days in jail or pay a

fine They could have paid the fine and gone home. Annie Kenney refused

to pay the fine, as far as she and the movement was concerned; it was

prison or votes for women.

As time went by there were more arrests and imprisonment for members

of the ‘Suffragettes’. They shouted down Ministers, protested in

parliament and on the streets, but women were still refused the right

to vote.

In 1908, Miss Nell chained herself to the railings outside the Prime

Minister’s front door. She did this for lots of reasons; the Cabinet

was in session so they would hear her speech, and so would the crowd

outside. Furthermore it would take the police a long time to unchain

her. Nurse Oliva Smith who followed her example and chained herself to

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