The Structure and Functions of the Arteries

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The Structure and Functions of the Arteries

Arteries are blood vessels that convey blood from the heart to the

tissues of the body.

The arteries expand and then constrict with each beat of the heart, a

rhythmic movement that may be felt as the pulse. Arteries are usually

named from the part of the body that they are found, for example;

brachial artery found in the arms, metacarpal artery found in the

wrist; or from the organ which they supply as the hepatic artery

supplies the liver, pulmonary artery brings deoxygenated blood the

lungs. The facial artery is the branch of the external carotid artery

that passes up over the lower jaw and supplies the superficial portion

of the face; the haemorrhoidal arteries are three vessels that supply

the lower end of the rectum; the intercostal arteries are the arteries

that supply the space between the ribs; the lingual artery is the

branch of the external carotid artery that supplies the tongue.

The structure of the artery enables it to perform its function more

efficiently. The walls of arteries are made up of three layers same as

veins. Its inner endothelium is composed of epithelial cells which is

very smooth. This layer helps minimise the friction. The tunica media

provides strength and elasticity. It contains smooth muscles, collagen

and large amount of elastic fibres. Elastic fibres enable the wall to

stretch as blood surge through at high pressure. Tunica externa is the

outer layer of connective tissues containing elastic and collagen

fibres. It provides support for the blood vessel and attaches it to

whatever other tissue it runs through.

Artery walls are very thick and strong. The tunica media which is the

thickest part of the wall contains huge amount of elastic fibres which

enables the wall to stretch and withstand the blood surging out at

high pressure. The elasticity of the walls is important because it

reduces the possibility of them bursting. Also as blood rushes out the

heart in high pressure the walls stretch and become wider reducing the

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