The Spread Of The Cult Of Moonult Analysis

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Bloody rituals and moonlit sacrifices define a cult. As long as religion exists, cults also exist. Initiation involves feats of courage and skill and often results in fatality. Once they complete their initiation they gain the status of an official member. Members advance in rank by following the regulations and being faithful to their deity. New recruits rank lowest and the priest or prophet are the highest ranking members; climbing through the ranks takes years. Judith Lorber, the author of “Believing Is Seeing: Biology as Ideology,” assists in understanding the ideas presented in Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber’s article “The Spread of the Cult of Thinness…” ; society gives “cult” members body expectations they must follow for them to secure their places in the “cult” of thinness, or society rejects them. Society controls its members with body expectations. Lorber implies that society controls its members through religion and culture when she says, “ The moral imperatives of religion and culture …show more content…

(Basic) From worshipping Gods to worshipping nature, cults form another way of forcing people into acting in ways they wouldn’t originally. The cult of thinness worships the ideal body. Women must have a size zero waist; men must act dominant. Society gives its members regulations for “normal”, and its members have to follow those regulations.(Bal. Comp.) The members of society who do not conform to the expectations society sets receive labels as “freaks” and “abnormal”. From a young age, children learn what society claims is “normal” thinness. As they mature into adults, society expects “normal” weight. The cult of thinness states that weight regulations must be followed, and rebels require rejection. People feel inclined to fit into the the cult because it judges them on appearances rather than their personality and morals. People need self-confidence and free expression without the fear of rejection in order to shut down the cult of

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