Geertz Religion Analysis

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Geertz defines religion as ‘(1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by (3) formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that (5) the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.’ In this essay, I will focus on the Geertz’s idea, and Asad’s subsequent critique, of symbols. (Geertz, Clifford, and Michael Banton. "Religion as a cultural system." (1966).) Firstly, we must define what symbol means in terms of Geertz’s work. A symbol is a concrete version of an abstract concept, it may contain ideas, abstractions from experiences, hopes. For Geertz, symbols are in all perspectives of life (religion, science, common-sense etc.). These symbols are formed into sets which then become culture patterns, and these culture patterns affect people’s views and cause people to act in particular ways. This can be seen, for example, in a Christian society, where symbols such as the Christian cross, doves and fishes all come together to create a culture …show more content…

In placing all importance in religious symbols, Geertz does not account for any social, historical, political or economical factors which may influences one’s life, world-view and belief system. Geertz essentially argues that religious symbols create belief, but Asad denies this, arguing instead that religious symbols only serve as a catalyst for belief. Thus, because social conditions will differ from culture to culture, Asad believes it is pointless to try and find common ground between all religions. Instead he insists that looking at historical facts, which may gives us an insight into the kind of institutions and ideologies were present at the time to allow a certain way of belief to become prominent, is the preferable way of studying

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