The Speaker of Birch Trees Having Symbols and Images

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“Birches” is a poem written by Robert Frost that has a speaker, imagery, and symbols. The speaker in this poem is Robert. He explains his perspective of the birch trees in first person. Imagery is a word, phrase, or sentence that shows an experience or object. There are many examples of imagery in this poem. Symbols are something in the story that stand for something else. There are many symbols in “Birches.” In “Birches” Robert talks about how he sees birch trees in winter that have bent branches. He says he hopes that they are bent because some boy has been swinging on them, however he understands that when a child swings on branches, the branches do not stay bent forever. These trees are permantly bent. However, it is winter and there are ice storms. Ice damages the birch trees and leave them bent forever. He then thinks back to his childhood when he used to swing on trees and not have a worry. He wishes he could go back and be a child again. “Birches” by Robert Frost is a poem that shows imagery and symbols, and has a first person speaker.
Robert discusses how he feels about th...

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