Country Life And Urbanity In Robert Frost's Poetry

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Robert Frost’s poetry is what is is because it uses rural terms, phrases, and themes to make his great poetry. Urbanity is what he knows, he grew up in it. Most successful poems that are great, are great because they are personal to the author. He or she can’t write poetry if it doesn 't have something to do with them. This is why Frost’s poetry is meaningful, he puts in things that he knows and then puts in hidden meanings that makes the poem worth reading. Urbanity has a lot of different meanings that can be applied to real life. Frost takes this into account when he is writing poetry. Robert Frost also writes his poems in a way that makes them meaningful to everyone, not just the people that live in urban. This is why Frost is such a good writer. Another reason Frost’s poetry is meaningful because he goes from simple to the complex. This helps his poetry flow together and no matter what he or she will get something out of it. The …show more content…

In a book by Robert Faggen it states that, “If by pastoral one means a mode that emphasizes the beauty and simplicity of country life, then Frost’s poetry seems decidedly dissonant” (Faggen). This quote helps emphasize the importance of country life and urbanity in Frost’s poetry. Poems about urbanity, especially Robert Frost’s poems Birches, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Mending Wall, Out Out, Acquainted With the Night, and The Gift Outright help explain why urbanity is meaningful in poetry. Birches by Robert Frost shows how meaningful urbanity is in poetry. This poem shows urbanity because it uses Birch trees, which are common to see in urban areas,

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