The Socializing Process Of Socialization In The Sociological Perspective

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An agent, in the sociological perspective can be described as an institution or a group in a society that teaches people who and how to be (culture). To be the people we are today we must undergo the never-ending process of socialization. Socialization is the process of absorbing a culture, and this continues to happen throughout our whole life time if we have an agent to teach us. The first main agent is the group of people who care for us while growing up which is family. Family is the first main agent because our family are the primary teachers of culture, they give us a sense of who we are in life and how we act by teaching us values, norms and beliefs. Our family establishes our first identity because we have a role within the family. …show more content…

School’s primary objective is to teach us basic life skills like reading or arithmetic but it also has a latent function which is to teach us cultural values. It is considered an agent because of the amount of interaction we have with staff from the school such as professors or counselors but it also partially introduces use to another agent, peers. A peer group is an agent that is composed of people who share age, common interests and social rank creating a sense of equality between each other. It is important for people to have a peer group so they can establish another identity separate from their family. The fourth main agent of socialization is the media. The media can influence our culture because it either accepts or refutes ideas, behaviors and perspectives which in turn can influence our

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