Analysis Of The Sado-Masochism

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The paraphilic behavior such as the Sado-Masochism becomes more discussed and explicitly shown through the means of mass media. The integration of Sadomasochistic content in the cinematography and literature increases social awareness of this sexual behavior. The social bias around Sado-Masochism diminishes with the time what makes this practice more common and acceptable among the couples. There are certain subtypes of the sadomasochism which differ by severity, intensity, and thematics. Sado-Masochistic behaviors are caused by multiple causes which vary in every person. Sado-masochism, despite all social stigmas and stereotypes, is to certain extent common practice for many couples. The moderate types of sadomasochism represent the
Alfred Kinsey stated in his 1953 nonfiction book Sexual Behavior in the Human Female that 12% of females and 22% of males reported having an erotic response to a sadomasochistic story(direct quote Wikipedia). The Australian study performed in 2001 showed that 1.8% of people engaged in sexual activities had practiced BSDM at least once. On the other hand, the 1990 Kinsey Institute’s report showed that 5-10% of the sexually active population engaged in so-masochistic activities(Wikipedia). The difference between data obtained in Australia and the USA can be explained by the difference in the research methods and samples being studied. Canadian study performed on undergraduate students showed that about 65% of men have sadistic fantasies and about 22-39% integrated this fantasies into their sexual practices. The sadistic fantasies of males responded to the female desire of receiving some brutality from the partner. “German Institut für rationale Psychologie found that about 2/3 of the interviewed women stated a desire to be at the mercy of their sexual partners, 69% admitted to fantasies dealing with sexual submissiveness, 42% stated interest in explicit BDSM techniques(Direct quote from Wikipedia).” Numerous of other studies showed that most of the females enjoy experiencing the force for themselves what is the part of normal sexual fantasies
The people interviewed showed different reasons that led them to the sadomasochism, diversity of reasons does not build to a certain pattern so there is no specific reason that causes sado-masochism(Wikipedia). “Attachment, family configuration, and childhood abuse have all been explored in relation to sadomasochism.” However, there was no study that completely supported the connection of the traumatic experiences in the childhood and the sadomasochistic behaviors. The majority of people engaged in BDSM activities come from ordinary families with no history of abuse or any other traumatic experiences(article). The studies conducted by the different researchers revealed contradictory results. The study conducted by the Breslow et al in 1986 proved that only 5.4% of people engaged in BDSM activity have a history of an abuse while the Nordling et al in 2000 found the higher amount of people(while the study conducted by Nodding et al in 2000 showed the higher number of people. The connection between abuse experience and sadomasochistic behavior is inconsistent due to the different perception of pain. In a case of sadomasochism, the pain is associated with the pleasure while people experienced abuse link it with painful memories(article). The another possible cause of the sadomasochistic behavior comes from the suppression of

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