The Sniper: A Short Story

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The sniper then fell to the ground in furious pain not being able to process what he had just done. He jolted up and threw his brother on his shoulder, and he murmured, “What have I done!” to himself. Remembering he had his revolver in his pocket, the sniper took the dare, and darted to the house across the street. With the sound of a machine gun and the bullets ricocheting off the buildings, he managed to get the cover. The blood of his brother slowing dripping on his shoulder puts the sniper in tears. The sniper turned, and looked at his dead brother lying on the cold concrete, breathless and with his heart beating out of his chest. He phoned for a helicopter, and was told it would be nearly impossible, he yelled “It's my brother send it now!!”. They lay there until he heard the pleasant sound of flying rocks and sand as the helicopter started to land. …show more content…

The sniper had no thought about it and told the commander “I'm not killing anyone else i'm going home.” The sniper flew home, but he couldn't stop thinking about that day, he couldn't sleep at nights, and the night he did sleep his dream was about that day. Lying in bed, he thought, “Why can't I be with my brother right now?”. With suicidal thoughts roaming in his head, he got help. The doctor said “I’m very sorry to tell you this, but i'm afraid you have PTSD.” The sniper just stared at the doctor and fell on the floor

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