The Significance of the Battle of the Somme

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The Significance of the Battle of the Somme

In military terms, there were many achievements by the British at The

Battle of the Somme even though many losses were also sustained and

instinctively it looked like a failure.

The plan was to rise from the trenches and walk across no-mans land,

slowly with arms spread wide. However, they were ignorant to the fact

that the Germans were waiting for them with their machine guns at the

ready. Many things went wrong with this assault for example some

people say that the bombardment wasn’t heavy enough, others say that

enemy wire was not cut enough to let the allied troops through,

leaving them as targets for machine guns, but many of the British

shells were duds made by inexperienced workers and there was a

considerable lack of communication between soldiers and from

commanders over their battalions. Though this was appalling, it was a

success in various ways.

As a result of this failure they learnt from fatal mistakes for

future battles such as the 2nd battle of the Marne on July 15th which

assisted in winning the war. This, in theory, was a great step for the

allies as it allowed a swifter and heavily improved attack. The Somme,

in many ways, was more or less a training ground for Allied troops.

Many machines were also enhanced as a result of their failure on the

Somme such as the tanks which were perfected dramatically and could

literally drive over the trenches. Tactics were also improved after

the Somme where the ‘creeping barrage’ was used but not to its full

extent. It was extremely successful, though, when used on July 15th.

Another success was demoralising the Germans as backed up by source C

where a soldier in the 110th infantry reserve wrote home saying ‘we

have had dreadful losses again. I shall not get leave I suppose until

we have left the Somme, but with our losses what they are, this cannot

be long or there will not be a single man left in the regiment’ This

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